Welcome Sequence

A successful email welcome sequence incorporates story-telling, empathy, and rapport building with prospects, letting them know you understand their pain-points and that they can feel confident in your ability to serve them and alleviate their pain or satisfy their desire.

I can create welcome sequence emails for your brand that will connect fresh leads to your brand mission and build you a loyal lifetime email audience.

Welcome Email 1

This is the first in a sequence of welcome emails for a hypothetical creative writing course for people who want to improve their writing skills.

Welcome Email 2

This is the second in a sequence of welcome emails for a hypothetical creative writing course for people who want to improve their writing skills.

Indoctrination Sequence

If you’re not utilizing indoctrination sequence emails in your marketing strategy then you’re losing leads like a leaking bucket. 

I will write indoctrination emails for you that incorporate empathy, engaging story-telling, and most importantly provide TONS of free value that connects your audience to your world-view and your brand mission on a deeper emotional level, thereby gaining you a lifetime audience and exploding your sales.

Indoctrination Email 1

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Indoctrination Email 2

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Indoctrination Email 3

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Indoctrination Email 4

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Promotional Sequence

If you already have an email list and you’re not using promotional emails to sell your product or services then you’re losing out a TON of ROI. 

I will write promo emails for you that incorporate empathy, engaging story-telling, and a sense of urgency and connect your audience to your product on a deeper emotional level, thereby exploding your sales.

Promo Email 1

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Promo Email 2

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Promo Email 3

Promo for a at-home exercise program for new moms suffering from a common postpartum condition known as diastasis recti. 

Sample Sales Email

Sales Email

This is a sales email for a hypothetical muscle-building program.